This Guy Has Beef With the Decepticons

Symbol decept reg.png

Symbol autobot reg.png

The name or term "Migrate" refers to more than i graphic symbol or idea. For a list of other meanings, run into Drift (disambiguation).

Drift is an Autobot and former Decepticon from the live-action moving-picture show continuity family.


Drift is a commando of few words and many ancient blades. While he is not trying to hide his past as a Decepticon, he would much rather just let his swords do the talking. His force lies in both his mastery over his collection of swords and his composure in battle. Despite the dark times upon the Autobots, Drift remains calm, dignified, and thoughtful,[1] oft taking time to exercise his swordsmanship and spout haikus about whatever's going on.

Leaving the Decepticons didn't automatically gear up everything for Drift, as he is all the same prone to manic bouts of assailment if he's startled or otherwise spooked. This makes him quick to try to stab whatever's the trouble to decease. Luckily, he'south taken up meditation to complement his swordsmanship and hopefully curb this lingering rage. After all, he considers his Decepticon self to exist as expressionless as Megatron.

Teaming up with the rowdiest Autobots effectually may not be the best commencement, but luckily Drift gets to serve directly nether Optimus Prime, who he refers to as his sensei. Knowing in that location is hope whenever the Autobot leader is around, Migrate volition follow Optimus to the bitter cease. He doesn't think much of Bumblebee'south attempts to be Autobot leader, though, due to his youth and lack of warrior field of study. He is sometimes partnered with the Dinobot Slug.

"No fear... no detest... no acrimony... Get OFF, you lot maggot!"

Migrate's still working on the first function, The Last Knight


  • 1 Fiction
    • Movies
      • Age of Extinction film
      • one.1.2 The Terminal Knight movie
    • 1.ii How to Ride your Dinobot cartoon
    • 1.3 Titan flick comics
    • 1.iv How to Ride a Dinobot! comic
    • 1.v Toy bios
    • 1.half-dozen Inquire Vector Prime
  • two Games
    • 2.i Transformers: Historic period of Extinction mobile game
    • ii.2 Energon Rally
    • 2.3 Transformers: Ascension of the Dark Spark
      • ii.3.1 Panel
      • 2.three.2 3DS
    • 2.iv Transformers Ultimate Allstars
    • ii.five Transformers (Hasbro Arcade)
    • 2.6 Transformers: Forged to Fight
  • three Toys
    • 3.1 Age of Extinction
      • 3.1.1 Robots in Disguise
      • iii.1.2 Generations
    • 3.2 Kre-O
    • 3.3 Construct-Bots
    • 3.4 Hero Mashers
    • three.5 The Last Knight
      • 3.5.1 Tiny Turbo Changers
      • iii.five.two Turbo Changers
      • 3.5.3 Allspark Tech
      • 3.5.iv Legion Class
      • 3.v.5 Premier Edition
      • 3.v.6 Turbo Modify Series
    • 3.half dozen Motion-picture show Edition
    • iii.7 Studio Series
  • iv Merchandise
    • 4.1 Revenge of the Fallen
      • iv.1.1 RPMs - Robot Powered Machines
    • 4.2 Speed Stars
    • 4.3 Age of Extinction
      • four.iii.1 Titan Heroes
    • 4.4 Pop!
    • iv.5 Prime 1 Studio
    • 4.6 The Terminal Knight
      • 4.six.1 Simba Smoby
  • v Notes
    • 5.1 Strange names
  • vi References



The five movies are the primary component of the live-action movie continuity family. Their events should be taken equally canon for all other pieces of fiction listed beneath, unless otherwise specified.

Historic period of Extinction film

Vocalization role player: Ken Watanabe (English), Kiyomitsu Mizūchi (Japanese), Zhang Yaohan (Chinese), Jorge Badillo (Latin American Spanish), Luis Grau (Castilian Spanish), Andrea Lavagnino (Italian), Hercules Fernando (Portuguese), Guillaume Orsat (European French), Éric Gaudry (Canadian French), Yu Fang (German), Sefa Zengin (Turkish)


Good luck figuring out what kind of helicopter he is.

Drift was among the Autobots who had gone into hiding on Earth afterwards humanity turned against the Autobots. To his disgruntlement, Bumblebee took de facto command of the Autobots in the absence of Optimus Prime. Drift was overjoyed at the return of his sensei, declaring at that place was hope after all. Though Hound cursed the humans as a "agglomeration of backstabbing weasels", Drift took pity on the humans, sadly reciting a haiku regarding the humans' expose. The haiku didn't sit right with Hound, and the two almost came to blows before their attention was turned to the arrival of Cade Yeager and his family. Afterwards that dark, Drift sadly reported that they were the last 5 Autobots, and informed Optimus of Bumblebee's stint as leader during his absenteeism. He couldn't resist expressing his distaste of Bumblebee's leadership and immaturity aloud, challenge that the younger Autobot brought shame upon the group. The ii bots quickly came to blows with Drift gaining the upper manus over the "smartass". Belongings Bumblebee at sword-signal, Drift claimed to encounter right through Bumblebee's "puppy dog optics" act, mocking him when such an human action was beneath him. The mood before long was dampened further when Cade had Drift (in his Bugatti vehicle mode) project footage of Ratchet and Leadfoot's demises.


"Migrate, you keep up those damn fortune cookie sayings, you'll be drifting into unconsciousness pretty quick after I get my paws on ya!"

Drift took part in Cade'southward mission to infiltrate KSI, providing some valuable intel to the human prior to the operation. Drift joined in the subsequent attack on the facility when the news came of Ratchet'due south barbarous demise and dismemberment. Migrate used his helicopter fashion to lift Bumblebee through the upper levels of the building to rescue Cade from Harold Attinger. The Autobots soon fled once once again, and Migrate was unable to intervene in the boxing betwixt Optimus and Galvatron when the drone'south missile fire separated the Autobots from their leader. When Lockdown captured Optimus and Tessa Yeager, Drift infiltrated the bounty hunter's transport in Chicago with the rest of the group. Now behind enemy lines, Drift advocated stealth and a lack of violence, just immediately hacked an alien captive of Lockdown's to decease when it startled him. Drift reported that Lockdown's night matter drives were firing up, signaling they had nearly ten minutes before the transport departed Globe (nine minutes, worse instance scenario). Drift went to free his sensei with Hound and Crosshairs, and remained aboard the commandeered ship of Lockdown'southward with him and Hound.


You've been waiting for months for the DVD to release just to write a "Allow them fight" caption for this scene. Admit it.

When the Autobots regrouped post-obit the escape from Lockdown's send, Optimus announced they would be leaving Earth and abandoning humanity to their fate. Drift voiced no opposition to his leader'southward orders, but intercepted a transmission from Joshua Joyce, informing the team that Joyce was moving KSI's drones to their facilities in China. After Cade warned Joyce of the danger Galvatron presented, Drift bodacious Cade that their vessel could quickly race them beyond the globe. It was a spaceship, after all. Optimus edited his orders: while the Autobots would stay to retrieve the Seed and stop Galvatron, they would leave Earth forever immediately afterward.


"Why don't you just throw the swor-*dies*"

Migrate after remained with Optimus and Crosshairs when their send was shot down by the rogue Galvatron's Decepticons over Hong Kong. Crashing in a nearby valley, Optimus revealed his trump card: the ancient Dinobots. While Optimus trounce some authority into Grimlock, Drift followed Crosshairs' lead and evacuated to the sidelines to stay out of the crossfire. Though he was baffled past Grimlock'southward saurian alternating manner, having expected "a giant car", Drift was impressed to see his sensei take dominance over the Dinobots. Though Crosshairs grumbled about Optimus' dynamic leadership, Drift but smiled and knew it was innate in their leader. Following Optimus's lead, Migrate quickly mounted Slug and together they fought off many of Galvatron'due south army in Hong Kong, losing one of his swords in the process while fighting two KSI Sentries. Drift later on helped escort the Yeager family and Joyce away from the urban center, but Lockdown intervened and virtually captured them all. Optimus, Bumblebee, and the Yeagers soon defeated Lockdown, and Migrate was assigned by his sensei to lookout over the Yeager family while he left Earth. Historic period of Extinction

The Last Knight film

Voice player: Ken Watanabe (English), Kiyomitsu Mizūchi (Japanese), Zhang Yaohan (Chinese), Jorge Badillo (Latin American Castilian), Luis Grau (Castilian Spanish), Guillaume Orsat (European French), Éric Gaudry (Canadian French), Yu Fang (High german), Andrea Lavagnino (Italian), Hercules Fernando (Portuguese)


Drift was active on World as early every bit the 1860s,[2] working aslope some other Samurai 'bot and a group of samurai in Nihon.


Three years have passed... and yet, I practice not age.

In the years since Optimus left Earth, Drift took refuge at Cade'southward fleck yard with the other Autobots. He had also taken on a new vehicle mode and updated his color scheme. Despite the stagnant situation, his spare time was spent practicing with his sword and doing meditative balancing feats, which were occasionally upset past the Mini-Dinobots, peculiarly Pterry. He showed an equal amount of disdain every bit his comrades when the unscrupulous Daytrader showed up, fifty-fifty like-minded with Hound's suggestion to frag him. He was and so left quite uncomfortable by Daytrader's description of what he intended to do with some hot oil.

Soon, the Decepticons and TRF discovered their refuge and he fled with Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Cade, Jimmy, Wheelie, Izabella, and Sqweeks to a nearby town where a trap had been fix upwardly. Upon their arrival, he discovered the TRF tracking device placed on Bumblebee and masterfully disabled it with his sword. During the boxing, he and Crosshairs tag teamed the much larger Onslaught, with him cutting off their enemy'due south leg before swiftly decapitating his "fat head". Migrate and so took on the remainder of the Decepticons with the others, throwing his sword at his former boss Megatron and helping force him, Nitro Zeus, and Barricade into a retreat. Afterwards, he and the other Autobots returned to the scrap yard after Cade and Bumblebee left for England.


Yeah, guys, I'g gonna simply sit down out this moving-picture show I guess.

Later, when Cybertron had approached World and loomed in the sky, the Autobots saw that Daytrader had finally delivered on his promise of a transport, arriving with the same Knight ship Lockdown had used. Drift was quite happy and declared that he would pilot it. He flew the Autobots to Stonehenge where they joined the humans and Guardian Knights as the returned Optimus rallied them to defend World. En route to Cybertron, he and the other Autobots were unimpressed with the knights, though Drift commented that they were "mean looking". He and then cleared his allies for have off and wished them luck equally he remained on board to pilot the knight send. After the final boxing was won, he and the other Autobots took the transport and returned abode to Cybertron. The Final Knight

How to Ride your Dinobot drawing


"At present my cornered friend, let me practice my Dinobot attacks on you"...

Migrate and Slug had cornered Lockdown inside a befouled, simply alas, Drift had to learn how to attack with his Dinobot steed. Due to a lack of accurate instructions, Migrate activated pretty much every button on Slug, activating everything but the weaponry. Some time later, Drift finally struck gold and activated the heavy weaponry... only to be immediately fried, much to his and Slug's disappointment. How to Fight

Titan movie comics


"This guy has been brutally killed merely I don't call up it was the states this time."

Five years earlier the battle of Chicago,[3] Drift led a three-Con team on Cybertron with his friend Knucklehead and so-not-a-friend Lockdown as his subordinates. His job was to capture an Autobot stronghold, which—to Knucklehead's glee—he planned to do by storming it, in attempt to minimise bloodshed. Lockdown sneered at him for being soft and advocated bombing the identify flat, which Drift pointed out was why Megatron put them in charge: so they'd have something left to rule. The 3 sneaked up the wall, surprised the Autobot guards, and with martial arts skill they disabled every 1 without a shot existence fired. Still, Lockdown tried to execute prisoners and when Drift stopped him, Lockdown gleefully took the opportunity to label Drift a traitor and effort to whack him. Knucklehead backed up his friend and the two of them sent Lockdown falling into the fort'southward molten moat, swearing revenge on them both; Migrate knew that he could never take revenge equally long every bit Megatron was in accuse. He then let the prisoners retreat with their wounded and was told that he'd brand a fine Autobot.

By the time of Chicago, Drift had indeed switched sides and he was annoyed to be cleaning up Ark debris on the Moon instead of tracking downward remaining Decepticons. Optimus was bemused that Drift was then eager to fight his former allies. While grousing that the Ark was their last memories of Cybertron laid waste, the samurai was horrified to notice Knucklehead'southward corpse: recently killed by Lockdown without Megatron to terminate him. Migrate made a grave for his friend and Prime told him that they'd stand up against Lockdown together. Afloat in Space and Time

How to Ride a Dinobot! comic

When Optimus Prime insisted the Autobots larn how to ride Dinobots, Drift and Crosshairs chop-chop managed to go atop of their steeds. Warning them non to get cocky, Optimus suggested a gainsay drill between the two of them. Drift charged Slug towards Crosshairs and Contemptuousness with full force...only for the Dinobots to halt at the final moment and launch their riders into each other. But when Grimlock detected Decepticons nearby, Slug immune Drift to ride him one time once more as they headed out into battle. How to Ride a Dinobot!

Toy bios

Drift's mastery of gainsay tactics lets him adapt his alternating grade to land or air-based battles. They also enable him maintain total control over his circuits even while under heavy enemy burn. Whereas other Autobots are pushed toward overload, Migrate soldiers on with steely tactical precision.[4]

Enquire Vector Prime

Sky Lynx menaced Hound and Drift in Tyran 614.xix Kappa. He could be difficult to all-time if you hadn't even so unlocked their Epic-level ranged weapons. Ask Vector Prime number, 2015/09/12


Transformers: Historic period of Extinction mobile game

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif

The Game Full of Decease and Suffering...!

This graphic symbol article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. Y'all can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Age of Extinction

Energon Rally

Drift ran beyond an Autobot construction site on Cybertron, collecting equally much Energon every bit he could before his shields gave out from bumping into obstacles. Energon Rally

Transformers: Rise of the Night Spark


Vocalisation actor: Chris Jai Alex (English)


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif

The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This grapheme article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You lot can assist Transformers Wiki past expanding it.

Ascension of the Dark Spark

Transformers Ultimate Allstars

Transformers (Hasbro Arcade)



Migrate chased a Decepticon ship while trying to avoid getting hitting past obstacles. Transformers

Transformers: Forged to Fight


That'southward not a Bugatti...

Migrate was 1 of the Autobots pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! Transformers: Forged to Fight

A Question of Loyalty - Once a Decepticon... A Question of Loyalty - AWOL When Migrate heard that Hot Rod had arrived on New Quintessa, he sought out vengeance for forsaking him in a time of demand. He considered him a traitor. G1 Optimus Prime and the Commander defeated him and brought him back to base. A Question of Loyalty - Autobot Traitors

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif

The Game Total of Death and Suffering...!

This grapheme article is a stub and is missing data on their video game appearances. Yous can help Transformers Wiki by expanding information technology.



Age of Extinction

Robots in Disguise


(Hasbro version pictured)


(TakaraTomy version pictured)

  • Autobot Drift (I Step Changers, 2014)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: LA06
    • TakaraTomy Release Date: 2014-07-19
Part of the outset moving ridge of Age of Extinction Robots in Disguise Ane Step Changers toys, "Autobot Drift" is a simplified toy that transforms into a blue 2013 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse. He transforms past being folded within-out/outside-in, very much like a switchblade. His sword blades are molded onto his arms, and his hands are compatible with 5 mm posts.
He's quite addictive to transform.
Initial prototype photos shown in the Age of Exitnction Guide Book shows that Migrate features an alternate dark grey plastic colors instead of blue equally shown in the final production.
The Japanese release of Drift, released equally part of the Lost Historic period Serial subline, features additional paint details in robot way, including blue paint on his fake hood, lower arms and shoulder armour, silver on his crotch, and aureate on his face and crest.
  • More information on Ane Stride Changers Drift at


  • Transformers: Historic period of Extinction Collection (1-Step Changer six-pack, 2014)
The "Transformers: Age of Extinction Collection" prepare includes an unchanged One-Step Changer Drift, packed with an equally unchanged Grimlock, Lockdown, Bumblebee, Slug, and the included I-Footstep Silver Knight Optimus Prime toy.


Remember, call up, the 30th of September,
And the AoE Blu-ray release...

  • Autobot Drift (Flip & Alter, 2014)
Part of the second wave of Flip & Change array, this Drift toy is a simplified version of his (spoiler-less screen-accurate) 2013 Bugatti Veyron that tin can auto-transform from vehicle to robot by pulling out the arms first, and and then flip the figure over itself. He features joint on his artillery, and features 5mm uniform hands.
Migrate shares a transformation scheme similar to his fellow Flip & Changers, Bumblebee and Lockdown.


At present I run into. Yous deny your weapon its purpose! Information technology yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies... but you hold it back!

  • Autobot Drift (Power Battlers, 2014)
Role of the 2d moving ridge of Power Battlers, Strafe features a simple transformation from a blue 2013 Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse into a robot. In robot manner, squeezing Drift's legs together causes him to rotate at the waist for a "Sword Slash!" attack.

AoE 1-step Helicopter Drift.jpg

  • Autobot Drift (One Footstep Changers, 2014)
Role of the tertiary wave of Age of Extinction: Robots in Disguise One Step Changers toys, Helicopter Drift is a simplified toy that transforms into an (again, screen-inaccurate) assault helicopter in one step.
  • Final Battle 4-Figure Set up (Multi-pack, 2014-x-eighteen)
    • Japanese ID number: LA-SP
The Japanese release of the toy, with no notable changes, is bundled with ane-Footstep Sliver Knight Optimus, Galvatron, and Slug.


"How practise you get-go a Triceratops?"

  • Autobot Migrate & Dinobot Slug (Dino Sparkers, 2014)
Dino Sparkers Drift is a static, not-transforming, non-articulated minifigure wielding a sword and riding a gradient painted Slug that y'all tin pull back and become. This toy features a sparking gimmick.
  • More data on Dino Sparker Drift at



"You remind me of someone... a man I met in a one-half-remembered dream. He was possessed of some radical notions." (Hasbro version pictured)

  • Autobot Drift (Palatial, 2014)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: AD23
    • TakaraTomy release date: 2014-07-19
    • Accessories: Two daggers, two swords
Role of the second wave of Age of Extinction: Generations Deluxe Class toys, this figure of Drift features a more complex transformation and a much more articulated and proportionate robot fashion. He comes with ii daggers and two swords, all of which he can wield via 5mm post. All four of his weapons can shop on his roof/back in various ways in robot fashion, while in vehicle mode his daggers shop beneath the roof and his swords store on the underside of the car.
A variant of Drift that apparently ships with wave ii.five (which also includes Lockdown) adds black pigment operations to the front vents. The 2 versions tin exist distinguished by the manufacturing appointment codes stamped into their packaging cardbacks.[five]


(TakaraTomy Version Pictured)

The Takara Movie Avant-garde Serial gives a more authentic appearance, with the same painted vents equally the subsequently Hasbro variant, a darker chest and extra paint details.
The Hasbro version of this toy has also been repurposed every bit Generation 1 Drift in the IDW Angry Birds Transformers comic series.
  • More information on Deluxe Drift at


Not so screen-accurate equally yous'd wait.

  • Autobots United 5 Pack (Platinum Edition, 2014)
    • Accessories: Two daggers, two swords
Platinum Edition Drift is an extensively repainted version of the Deluxe grade figure to a higher place, featuring screen-accurate details...although they did not replace the vehicle shell's blueish parts. The swords and daggers are now molded in grey plastic.
Drift was released every bit a BBTS shared sectional "Autobots United" gear up along with screen-accurate redecos of Optimus Prime number, Bumblebee, Crosshairs, and Hound.


To print a chick, helicopter Drift (Hasbro version pictured)


Friendship ain't about trust. Friendship is nigh nunchuks. (TakaraTomy version pictured)

  • Autobot Drift (Voyager, 2014)
    • TakaraTomy proper name: Sky Drift
    • TakaraTomy ID number: AD30
    • TakaraTomy Release Date: 2017-09-10
    • Accessories: Two missile pods, ii swords
Part of the second wave of Age of Extinction: Generations Voyager Grade toys, this Drift is a retool of Voyager Skyhammer, transforming into a made-up (but screen-inaccurate) assault helicopter that resembles a cross between a Eurocopter Tiger and a Mil Mi-24. He features a new head and includes Skyhammer's original missile pods also as ii new swords that can combine with each other to form a larger sword. The pods tin attach to 5mm peg-holes on his easily, ane on each of his forearms, a pair under each of his wings, a port on the backs/insides of each of his shoulder cockpit halves, and a port underneath his cockpit. He features a very minor retool in which the "cones" on his engine intakes in vehicle mode have been enlarged.
The original version of this mold was also used to make BotCon 2013 Sandstorm.
The TakaraTomy release of the toy, chosen "Sky Drift", is part of the Picture show Avant-garde Series lineup and features slightly changed pigment applications: his gold anxiety are painted black.
  • More than information on Voyager Drift at



Let them build!

  • Dinobot Accuse (2014)
    • Set number: A6949
    • Pieces: 66
    • Kreons: Migrate, Vehicon.
    • Accessories: ii katana
Kreon Drift comes with a buildable Slug, who he can ride to run down poor Vehicons. He features a new samurai helmet that also smartly doubles as a robo-triceratops head.
Although stock photos of Drift showed him having a gold waist, easily and leg tampographs, the bodily production has much more movie-accurate blue instead.


If I can't turn into a helicopter, I can at to the lowest degree have a helicopter back pack!

  • Autobot Migrate (Custom Kreon, 2014)
    • Set up Number: A7839
    • Accessories: Rack, 2 katana, 2 shuriken, 2 sai, torso-armor/rotor-blade
Part of the first assortment of Historic period of Extinction Custom Kreons, this version of Drift is cast in metallic-fleck plastics, and replaces the blues with gold. He comes with a buildable parts rack on which to hang/store his many many extra pieces. His "normal" helmet and shuriken are chromed, plus he comes with an extra articulate-plastic helmet, torso and legs. He also has a pair of extra arms (originally from the Kre-O Battleship aliens), a single peel hand, and a helicopter-rotor haversack. The helicopter blades cannot spin freely while Drift wears his helmet, as they just castor up confronting the back of the helmet.
Delight notation that in some samples, the chromed shuriken cannot be pegged onto the hard plastic posts due to small nub marks left in the center of the pigsty.


More similar argent Samurai, am I right?

  • Silver Knight Autobots (2014)
    • Set number: A8602
    • Kreons: Drift, Optimus Prime number, Hound, Crosshairs, Bumblebee.
    • Accessories: 2 katana
Silvery Knight Migrate is cast in metallic silver and pewter, with a slightly-brighter blue. Where all the other Kreons in the set got new melee weapons, Drift sticks with his trusty katana.
This five-pack of Kreons was not released in the US or Canada, only seeing release in various Asian markets.
  • Autobot Drift (Kreon Triple Changer, 2015)
    • Accessories: 2 swords, Slipstream & Jetstorm Kreons
Kreon Triple Changer Autobot Migrate mooshes all the incarnations of Drift into one form! This congenital-up Kreon transforms from robot to sportscar to helicopter, without needing to be disassmebled. His general appearance is based on Generation 1 Migrate, his altmodes come from Historic period of Extinction Migrate, and of course his micro-Kreon Mini-Con partners Slipstream and Jetstorm hail from Robots in Disguise Migrate.
Drift (along with Blitzwing) was shown at Toy Fair 2015, only no accounts of it seeing release in any market have ever surfaced.

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Go on on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Weird Al Yankodrift

  • "Beach Drift" (2015)
    • Set number: B4024
    • Accessories: Beach towel
This unnamed polybag kit features Drift in a gloriously gaudy Hawaiian shirt and shorts, shark-tooth necklace, and killer shades. He also comes with a beach towel to chill out on. He uses the 2015 style revamped Kreon trunk, which is pretty much incompatible with older-style Kreons below the neck.
How and where this kit was to be released is unknown. A few bagged samples have appeared on eBay.

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This detail has been canceled, with no electric current plans for release.



How the tiny have fallen.

  • Migrate (Dinobot Rider, 2014)
Drift is function of the start wave of the Dinobot Riders and as such is designed to ride any of the Dinobot figures of the same line. He transforms into a small car that could resemble a Bugatti Veyron if you've got macular degeneration. He includes a small sword. His nominal Dinobot partner is Slug.
Nearly of his parts were used to brand Stinger. Like most Construct Bots figures, Drift'due south rubber brawl joints can harden over time, which prevents smooth posing.
  • More information on Dinobot Rider Drift at TFU.ibnfo


  • Drift with Roughneck (Dinobot Warrior, 2014)
Office of the first wave of Dinobot Warriors, Drift is inspired by the Age of Extinction character, and transforms from robot to machine-like thing. Migrate includes a large sword as well as his ankylosaurian buddy, Roughneck who transforms into body armor and a crossbow and pointer pack. The stock photos bear witness his legs missing the armor.
  • More information on Dinobot Warrior Migrate at

Hero Mashers


True Samurai need no proportions.

  • Drift (Activeness Effigy, 2014)
    • Pieces: 10
    • Accessories: Longsword, shortsword
Part of the first wave of Transformers Hero Mashers basic Activity Figures, Drift is a non-transforming action figure with ratchet-joints, about half-dozen inches alpine. He has multiple peg-holes all over that can be used to mount any Hero Mashers accessory. Curiously, his hands are in a sorta-Spider-Human pose. Every bit a first-wave figure, he has actress ankle joint that is not present in later waves (a cutting that was fabricated to all Hero Mashers lines, not only the Transformers-branded ones).
He is designed with a removable head, forearms, thighs, and lower legs, all of which use the same clip-peg/hole joint. This ways his pieces can be swapped around in any order, as well as swapped with any other Hero Mashers figure... which includes figures from Marvel Comics, Star Wars, and Jurassic World, meaning you can make some pretty freaky combinations.
Interestingly, some of Drift's torso detailing appears to be based direct on the Generation i Bludgeon design first seen in Stormbringer. A preliminary image of the toy (with some different molding) was shown with Bludgeon'due south colors.
  • More information on Hero Mashers Drift at

The Terminal Knight

Tiny Turbo Changers

TLK-toy TTC Drift.jpg

  • Autobot Drift (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2017)
    • Series: 2
    • Handbag Code: N
Released in the second series of The Concluding Knight Tiny Turbo Changers, Migrate is made of soft plastic and changes from a tiny robot mode to a small unlicensed approximation of his Mercedes-AMG GT R mode from the fifth live-action film, though he'due south cast in all red plastic so his car way is red and non blackness similar in the motion picture. His wheels are molded in identify and cannot roll and hands can conform 3mm postal service weapons.

Turbo Changers


  • Autobot Drift (One-Stride Turbo Changer, 2017)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: TLK-27
    • TakaraTomy release date: 2017-09-16
Released as part of the third wave of Turbo Changers, this Drift is an all-new mold, whose transformation scheme consists of flipping the centre of the rear of the vehicle to convert into robot mode. He is too a shellformer due to his transformation scheme.

Allspark Tech


  • Autobot Drift (Allspark Tech, 2017)
Allspark Tech Drift transforms from a Rescue Bots-styled robot into a car that somewhat resembles a Mercedes-AMG GT R and back. His chest also features a cavity for the electronic Allspark Cube, which gives him different sound effects for his robot and vehicle modes.

Legion Class


Chicken Legs.

  • Autobot Migrate (Legion Class, 2017)
Originally a solicited-just-cancelled toy leaked in 2014, Drift finally gets his own Legion Class figure. He transforms from a pocket-size robot into a small unlicensed approximation of a 2017 Mercedes-AMG GT R. He besides features 3mm compatible holes on his pair of hands and his vehicle roof (although loose).
Due to loose connections on the tab, his front end vehicle bumper tab is easily undone with a press of a finger. Otherwise, his pair of legs is fairly well articulated, although information technology was used for transformation. However, he has some slight issues on standing up if his legs are not properly adjusted or straightened.

Premier Edition


Char Aznable'due south Drift Commander Type: 3 Times Faster than the original Drift.

  • Autobot Migrate (Deluxe, 2017)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: TLK-10
    • TakaraTomy release date: 2017-07-15
    • Accessories: Two daggers, 2 swords
The Concluding Knight Premier Edition Drift is a redeco and heavy retool of the first Deluxe Course toy with new external car panels and the torso/caput with some parts reused from the original Deluxe Form toy, and he transforms from robot into a 2017 Mercedes-AMG GT R. The figure itself is turned upside down within the vehicle shell, every bit the front of the car now forms the feet/legs, while the back end now forms his robot chest. This likewise comes at the toll of him having a faux breast.
In Asia, Migrate and the rest of the Wave two Deluxes (though limited in numbers) were later sold at Popular Book stores in Malaysia, at a discounted price of RM89.90 ($21), though the price was later cutting down to RM69.90 ($16) every bit office of the "Must Purchase!" offers. TakaraTomy'south stock photo of the robot mode effigy was afterwards used as a cutout "battle figure" included with TV Mag'south Called-for Megatron.

Turbo Change Series

  • Autobot Drift
    • TakaraTomy ID number: TC-11
    • TakaraTomy Release Date: 2018-vii-21
The first Turbo Change Series Drift is a rerelease of the first Age of Extinction One-Step Changer toy.


  • Battle Command Optimus Prime - Strongest Directive Ready (2018)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: TC-13
    • TakaraTomy Release Date: 2018-10-27
    • Accessories: Trailer/Wing Backpack/Battle Station, two Hound's guns, two Sword-Guns, two face-guns, Sword of Judgment, Vector Shield
Released as part of the re-issued Optimus Prime set, this Turbo Change Series Drift is a redeco of the second Age of Extinction One-Step Changer toy inspired past his appearance in The Last Knight.

Movie Edition

TTC-toy Movie-Edition-Drift.jpg

  • Autobot Drift (Tiny Turbo Changers, 2018)
    • Series: 3
    • Bag code: N
Tiny Turbo Changers Serial three Drift is a redeco of the series two Drift figure in blue, to correspond the colors he had in Age of Extinction.

Studio Series


  • Autobot Migrate & Dinobot 'Tops, Dinobot Pterry, Dinobot Sharp T (Multi-pack, 2019)
    • Motion-picture show: The Last Knight
    • Hasbro ID number: 36
    • TakaraTomy proper name: Autobot Migrate with Mini Dinobots
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-EX
    • TakaraTomy release date: March 2019
    • Accessories: Dinobot Sharp-T figure, Dinobot Tops figure, Dinobot Pterry effigy, 2 daggers, 2 swords, large sword, "Junkyard Meditation" backdrop
Studio Series Migrate is an extensive redeco (and a new head retool) of his previous Palatial form figure in more screen-accurate colors akin to his portrayal in The Final Knight. In addition to his swords and daggers from previous releases of the mold, he comes with small-scale figures of the Baby Dinobots, 1 larger sword, and a cardboard backdrop depicting the junkyard from The Last Knight, particularly the spot where Drift does his meditative feats.
The set was originally available through Entertainment World, but was subsequently likewise offered by other online retailers. In Japan, the ready was released as a Toys"R"U.s.a. sectional. When ordered at Entertainment World, Migrate came with two enamel pins: 1 of his robot mode and the other of the Studio Series logo.

Studio Series Helicopter Drift.jpg

  • Autobot Drift (Palatial Form, 2019)
    • Movie: Historic period of Extinction
    • Hasbro ID number: 45
    • TakaraTomy name: Heaven Drift
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-38
    • TakaraTomy release date: August 31, 2019
    • Accessories: two swords, tail rotor, 2 missile pods, "Autobot Reunion" backdrop
The full general retail Studio Serial Deluxe Class Migrate figure is an extensive retool of the helicopter Dropkick figure, sharing the lower legs, feet and wing pylons but having completely new components from the waist-up. Drift transforms into his briefly-seen helicopter mode from Age of Extinction. He comes with a detachable tail rotor accessory that is mounted on the tail of the helicopter in vehicle manner or on his forearms or back in robot manner, and 2 missile pods that tin can adhere to various parts via 5 mm posts.
He also comes with completely new molded swords (but no daggers), which tin be attached to his main propellor rotor assembly to form helicopter blades in vehicle mode, or on his hips on either side in robot mode. The primary rotor associates folds up to resemble his (unremovable) back-mounted daggers in robot way. Lastly, he also comes with a cardboard properties display depicting the Autobot meetup in Age of Extinction.


Revenge of the Fallen

RPMs - Robot Powered Machines


  • Autobot Drift (2010)
    • Series: Double Siders
    • Number: ?
Robot Powered Machines Mini-Vehicle Autobot Drift is a small-scale, not-transforming, die-bandage machine based on his mainstream counterpart's vehicle style. His robot way is sculpted underneath the vehicle, and his wheels use through-axle structure that lets the toy aught effectually at high speeds on smooth surfaces. Thanks to his oversized tires, he can slide along rightside-up or upside-down.
The intended RPM release of "Double Siders" Drift never came out. Though it was going to be recycled into Speed Stars, the RPM version had more than pigment operations, including having his proper noun printed on his hood and bumper. The merely paradigm of the toy comes from a downloadable affiche that was on the official Transformers website of Turkey.
This mold was also used to make Speed Stars Breakdown.


End of the road.
This RPM/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Autobot Migrate (2010)
    • Series: Allspark
    • Number: 04
"Allspark" Drift was presumably a redeco of "Double Siders" Drift. Though listed on the back of the Asian market release of RPM "Allspark" Starscream, information technology has never officially been depicted. However, an otherwise unknown redeco of the Drift mold with blueish detailing was displayed at Toy Off-white 2010, amongst a mix of cancelled RPM and planned Speed Stars vehicles. It is possible that this mystery redeco was the aborted "Allspark" Drift.


End of the road.
This RPM/Speed Stars item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Speed Stars


...And then Michael Bay was like "Spiral it, let's make him a principal character"

  • Drift (Mini-Vehicle, 2011?)
    • Series: Double Siders
    • Number: ?
A redeco of the unreleased RPM "Double Siders" Drift, Speed Stars Drift is a small non-transforming dice-bandage auto. He features notably fewer paint operations than the RPM version.
Like its RPM predecessor, Speed Stars Drift was never released.


End of the road.
This RPM/Speed Stars particular has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Historic period of Extinction

Titan Heroes


Yes, we all want to ignore its existence.

  • Autobot Migrate (Titan Heroes, 2014)
Autobot Migrate is a non-transforming, screen-accurate (robot-manner wise) even so terribly molded and painted Titan Heroes figure. Like all Titan Heroes figures, Information technology features very lilliputian articulation. Due to him having painted human eyes instead of the usual bluish robot optics, he is creepy as hell.



Practices rest with the tip of his head.

  • Autobot Migrate (2014)
    • ID number: 103
Released as part of the Pop! Movies segment, Funko's Pop! Drift is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his advent in Historic period of Extinction.

Prime number 1 Studio

Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline AOE Drift.jpg

  • Drift (2015)
    • Movie: Age of Extinction
    • ID number: MMTFM-06
    • Accessories: Base, 2 sword-property easily
Limited to 750 pieces, Prime i Studio'due south Museum Masterline Drift is a huge non-transforming sculpture based on his Historic period of Extinction appearance. The statue is made of polystone along with other materials and features light-up LED eyes.
He comes with a pair of alternating hands belongings his swords.

Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline TLK Drift.jpg

  • Drift (2019)
    • Moving-picture show: The Last Knight
    • ID number: MMTFM-22
    • Accessories: Base, 2 sword-belongings hands
Limited to 300 pieces, this version of Museum Masterline Migrate is based on his The Final Knight appearance and as well features lite-up LED eyes.
He besides comes with a pair of alternate hands holding his swords.

The Last Knight

Simba Smoby


At present with lack of creepy-looking eyes.

  • Autobot Migrate (Die-cast Figurine, 2017)
This Drift is a ane/64 non-transforming robot mode figurine, and similar the MetaColle figures, he was made partially out of Die-cast metallic.


  • Autobot Drift (Die-cast cars, 2017)
This Drift is a 1/64 not-transforming but screen-accurate vehicle mode based on his alternate mode seen in the film. He features through-axle structure, allowing for super-speedy racing on smooth surfaces, and his auto mode is compatible with many tracks and playsets from Hot Wheels and Matchbox.


  • Non counting Mixmaster's battle mode, Drift is the first Triple Changer seen on-screen in the alive action films, transforming from a helicopter to a sports automobile at volition. Sadly, the complexity the film artful gives him means that none of his toys have three modes. Drift is only seen transforming into his new Mercedes alternating mode in The Concluding Knight, leaving it unknown if he nonetheless possesses a third manner.
  • While the original Drift and other incarnations of the character accept had Japanese motifs, this Drift's appearance is heavily based upon that of a samurai.
  • In Ascent of the Nighttime Spark, Migrate'southward alternate fashion appears to be comically large – the sports car is of comparable size to tanks found in the surroundings!
  • Drift also holds the distinction of beingness the but new character in Historic period of Extinction besides the Dinobots to not be called by proper noun, though briefly during the scene where Galvatron chases the Autobots, he is identified on KSI's satellite feed. The Last Knight later properly identified him on-screen.
  • Drift, along with Hound, sports one of the most desperate changes to an Age of Extinction Autobot, switching the Bugatti Veyron for a Mercedes AMG GT R in The Last Knight.
  • His Mercedes alt-fashion reflects his original planned color for Age of Extinction.
    • Before The Concluding Knight was released, people noticed that Drift'due south mostly black vehicle mode somehow turned into a predominantly red robot way, to the point where black vehicle parts became blood-red kibble. This seems to accept been addressed in the film proper, just the toys kept this oddity.
  • Drift was the but new Historic period of Extinction Autobot to take an on-screen transformation in his debut moving-picture show, though he only appeared in helicopter mode whenever he does.
  • In a surprising attention to particular and continuity, after throwing one of his swords at a drone in the 4th film, Drift is still missing the blade at the conclusion of Age of Extinction and The Last Knight.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Migrate (ドリフト Dorifuto)
  • Mandarin: Shuǎiwěi (Taiwan, 甩尾, "Drift"), Piāoyí (China, 漂移, "Drift")


  1. Age of Extinction: Generations Deluxe Class Autobot Drift packaging bio
  2. ↑ The left black and white group photo that was used and heavily modified was taken in 1867. The right ane was taken around this time too by English-Italian lensman Felice Beato. Since no official in-universe date was given with the photographs in the film itself, the real-globe dates are all we have to go along.
  3. Dark of the Moon has no explicit date but as Sam has graduated, it's fix in 2012 at the earliest
  4. Age of Extinction: Generations Voyager Grade Autobot Migrate packaging bio
  5. ↑ Historic period of Extinction Drift Variant at The Allspark.


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