My Baby Shakes Her Head From Side to Side

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    I'd have to see it to know if it's the same thing that my LO does if she's overtired. I have seen other post and most people say it's normal.

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    Posted 5/27/10

    is it in his crib and it's a really fast like motion, like rubbing his head really quickly against the back of the carseat or on the crib matress? if so, mine did that (but it was cute, not scary).

  • If its like he is shaking his head like an adult would do for no, thats normal. Jack does it on the changing table and in the highchair alot. I think it feels good to his head (like we would get an itch). The eyes rolling back would bother me IF he is doing this without the shaking of his head. If he is doing it while shaking Id think it feels good. If not Id worry. Wait until your LO starts banging his head! Geez these kids like to scare us!

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    My son does that too and it scares me. He's 1 year, but I've seen him do it a few times since he was maybe 6 mo. I thought it was strange and maybe a tick or something. Sometimes my ears ring and when I shake my head they go away, i thought maybe its something like that. But the last time he did it (a few days ago) it really made me worry. Nothing was wrong with him, we weren't talking, he was looking up at something and then randomly turned his head back and forth really swiftly. I dunno whats up.

  • My DD has done that a couple of times since birth. She's only 6 weeks though. Scared me to death, but  it hasn't happened again. I'll ask her pediatrician at our 2 month appt and I'll let you ladies know what he says

  • look up shudder attacks in infants. My son starting doing this about two days ago. It has only happened while he was eating a bottle and falling asleep. His head and upper body starts shuddering and it last for about 5-10 seconds then goes away. It doesn't seem to bother him in any way, just scared the heck out of me because I thought at first he was having a seizure. I took him to his peds and they want to send him to a neurologist just to be safe.

  • My LO used to do that when he was a few months old, usually when he was tired and trying to sleep. My friends baby also does it though and doctor said nothings wrong. See if it lasts much longer.

  • My DD has a bald spot on the back of her head, she does this enough.  She always has, since she was old enough to control her head.  It just looks to me like she's looking for something but doesn't know what, or something like that.

    My sister says her 3 1/2-year-old daughter does this too in her sleep or when she's falling asleep, and always has tangles in her hair from it.

  • break through ladies! He had a rash under his chin/neck so I treated that and the head shaking seems to have all but gone away. As for the eyes rolling back, I think that might've been the tiredness setting in...and on another positive note...I got my first "muma"...

  • Grin

  • My Baby Shakes Her Head From Side to Side


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