How to Get Devtool to Be in Same Page Again

Learn how to save time past automatically opening the same spider web pages when you commencement Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera, Edge, and Safari on Mac.

Normally, when you start your browser, you'll see its version of a outset page or the last opened web pages. If you take certain web pages that yous visit every time you open your browser, you can easily prepare those pages to open automatically on separate tabs.

Today we'll comprehend how to open the same ready of spider web pages every fourth dimension you outset your browser in Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera, Border, and Safari on Mac.


To open the same fix of web pages every time you start Chrome, first open the web pages you lot want on separate tabs.

And then, click the Chrome carte push in the upper-right corner of the window and select Settings.

Select Settings in Chrome

In the On startup section, select Open a specific page or set of pages. And then, click Apply current pages.

Click Use current pages in Chrome

All the tabs currently open up, except the Settings tab, are automatically added nether the Open up a specific page or fix of pages option.

You tin can manually add more than pages to the list using the Add a new page link. Enter the URL you want to add on the Add a new page dialog box and click Add together.

The adjacent time you open Chrome your selected web pages automatically open up on separate tabs.

URLs added in Chrome

To remove a URL from the list, click the three vertical dots to the right of the URL and select Remove.


Firefox supports multiple Home tabs, which is how you tin can open multiple web pages each fourth dimension you lot open Firefox.

To fix up the URLs for your Dwelling house tabs, commencement open up the web pages y'all want on carve up tabs.

And so, click the Firefox menu in the upper-right corner of the window and select Options.

Select Options in Firefox

On the General settings folio, under When Firefox starts, select Show your home page.

Then, under Abode folio, click Use Current Pages. The URLs for the open web pages (except the Options tab) are added to the Home page box, separated by vertical bars (|).

You tin as well add more than URLs manually past typing a vertical bar (|) after the last URL in the Dwelling folio box and then typing the new URL.

Click Use Current Page in Firefox

To remove a URL from the list of abode pages, select the URL in the box with a vertical bar on i end and delete it.


On separate tabs in Vivaldi, navigate to the pages you lot want to open when Vivaldi starts.

And so, click the Vivaldi menu in the upper-left corner of the window and go to Tools > Settings.

Select Tools, then Settings in Vivaldi

On the Startup screen, click Specific Pages nether Startup with.

Then, nether Startup Pages, click Utilize Current Pages.

You tin can also manually enter URLs, one at a time, in the Enter folio URL box and click Add afterwards entering each ane.

Click Use Current Pages in Vivaldi


Starting time, on separate tabs in Opera, navigate to the pages y'all want to open when Opera starts.

Then, click the Opera menu in the upper-left corner of the screen and select Settings.

Select Settings in Opera

Make certain the Basic settings screen is agile.

Then, click Open a specific page or set of pages under On startup. To specify the pages, click Set pages.

Click Set pages in Opera

On the Startup pages dialog box, click Use electric current pages.

Click Use Current Pages in Opera

The URLs from all the open tabs (except the Settings tab) are added to the Startup pages dialog box.

You can also manually add more than web pages by entering one URL at a time in the Add together a new page box and pressing Enter.

Click OK.

Close Startup pages dialog box in Opera

To remove a URL from the list of Startup pages, move your mouse over the URL and click the X that displays to the right of that URL.


Yous must manually enter the URLs for the web pages you lot want to open up when Border starts. At that place is no button to utilize the current pages similar in the other browsers.

Click Hub on the toolbar. And so, click Settings.

Open Settings in Edge

Select A specific page or pages from the Open Microsoft Edge with drop-downward listing.

Enter the URL for a spider web page you want to open up when Border starts in the box below the drib-down listing and click Save.

Save a URL for Open Microsoft Edge with option

To add another URL, click Add new page. Then, enter the URL and click Save over again.

Click Add new page in Edge

To delete a URL from the list under Open Microsoft Border with, click the Ten to the right of that URL.

To close the Settings pane, click anywhere off the pane.

URLs added to Edge

Safari on Mac

In Safari on Mac, y'all can't add more than one URL as your Homepage. And so, you lot can't use that setting to have multiple pages open when Safari starts. Merely in that location is a workaround.

Set a Homepage in Safari on Mac

Open up all the web pages yous desire to open when Safari starts on separate tabs.

Then, go to Bookmarks > Add Bookmarks for These X Tabs. The "X" volition exist however many tabs you have open.

Select Add Bookmarks for These Tabs in Safari on Mac

Select where you want to add the bookmarks binder in the Add together this bookmarks folder to the drop-downwards listing.

Then, enter a proper noun for the folder in the box below the drop-down list and click Add.

Add this bookmarks folder to dialog box in Safari on Mac

Now, y'all must select that bookmarks folder equally the set of bookmarks that opens every time Safari starts.

Become to Safari menu > Preferences. Then, select Choose tabs folder from the New windows open with drop-down list.

Select Choose tabs folder for New windows open with setting in Safari on Mac

Select the binder of bookmarks you created. Then, click Choose.

Choose a folder dialog box in Safari on Mac

Relieve Time and Be More than Productive

At present you tin can get downwards to concern faster in whichever browser you use.

Another way to work faster in your browser is to utilize shortcuts and nosotros have a list of l hotkeys that work in most of the major browsers.


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